WEMO Automation is Swedish manufacturer of linear robot systems for plastics industry, it´s a subsidiary of producer YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT, the specialists for automation and robotic solutions worldwide.
Abiman Engineering is subsidiary of South-Korean company YUDO. Its portfolio collects sprue pickers and linear robots and peripheral equipment such as temperature units, hopper loaders, dryers, granulators or storage and material suply solutions.
WEMO Automation & YUDO | Abiman
WEMO linear robots and pickers
Rugged, accurate and effective, WEMO robots allow numerous applications. WEMO has pioneered graphic programming systems that allow free, complete and 100% reliable programming. WIPS-WEMO Intuitive Programming System programming software that combines sequential programming with dialog programming.
YUDO linear robots and sprue pickers
Abiman Engineering’s robot has been proven and satisfied by customers for years with its optimal design, know-how, reliable battlefield configuration, and exceptional scalability to respond to a wide range of injection-type businesses.
YUDO articulated robot system
Robotic automation system - that's the name of Abiman Engineering's product. It is a six-axis robot using Z-axis that performs continuous operations from product assembly to precision secondary automation.
Servo axes for linear robots YUDO
Abiman PLUS combines the advantages of a 3-axis cartesian robot with high speed and a wide working radius and the flexible posture of a 4-axis articulated robot. You can select and apply various line-ups from 1 to 4 axis.
WEMO accessories
WEMO also uses its many years of experience in automation and robotics to manufacture its own conveyor systems, safety cages and other accessories.